Our sexual behaviour varies at different times in our lives.

Studies have shown that regular sex is necessary for mental and physical health, and the best sense of happiness and joy of life. Sex acts as an antidepressant  reduces stress, relaxes and positively affects the appearance of the skin.

It is proven that regular sex increases the “life” of people. Those who have more orgasms have a twice lower mortality rate of those orgasms that are rare. This is due to the fact that sex significantly reduces stress, which is the cause of many diseases. As sex life affects our health depends on how often the partners practice.

Most importantly, it helps you to remember the importance of sex in a long-term relationship. A great sex life isn’t just about meeting a certain number of orgasms per week. It’s about connecting with your partner in a physical and emotional way, as well as about fulfilling each other’s desires and prioritizing each other’s needs.

How much sex is enough sex? What’s “normal?”

Research conducted at the Institute Kinsey revealed how often individuals have sex, if we take into consideration their age, the results conclude:

    18-29: On average 112 times a year;
    30-39 years: on average 86 times a year;
    40-49 years: on average 69 times a year.

Otherwise, 13 percent of married couples have sex only a few times a year, 45 percent of them several times a month, 34 percent two to three times a week and 7 percent of them four or more times a week.

The website “Your Tango” then conducted its own survey among readers who are married, to find out the minimum, average and ideal number of sexual activities for one month.

    Minimum: Once a month;
    Average: Once a week;
    Perfect: Three to five times a week.

Dr.Weiss says: “If the amount of sex you’re having works for you, and is not causing you (or anyone else) any problems or distress, then your sexual frequency is just fine—and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”